Affiliate Custom Pixels

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Revision as of 18:35, 31 January 2013 by OfferitJames (talk | contribs) (Conversion Tracking Types)

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As an affiliate in an Offerit network, you can set up pixels for third-parties when a conversion occurs. This can be useful if you are promoting offers from Offerit in another network and the other network needs to be notified with details of a conversion.

Conversion Tracking Types

There are three different types of custom conversion tracking that affiliates can use:

  • Iframe Pixel
  • Image Pixel
  • Postback

The type of custom conversion tracking that an affiliate can use depends on the conversion method being used for an Offer. When a Network admin creates an Offer, a conversion type must be chosen to let the network know how to expect the conversion is communicated to the network. If an offer has a conversion type of Iframe, then affiliates can use any type of custom conversion tracking: Iframe, Image Pixel or (Server) Postback. If the offer's conversion type is Image Pixel or Postback, then only the Postback method can be used to notify a third party of the conversion.

Conversion Code Examples

  • Iframe Pixel Example:
<iframe src="<conversion url>" height=1 width=1></iframe>
  • Image Pixel Example:
<img src="<conversion url>" height=1 width=1 />
  • Postback URL Example:
<conversion url>

For the above examples, you will need to replace <conversion url> with the url to which you want conversion information sent.