Payout Periods

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Payout Periods are the structure and time period Offerit uses to build payments. The Payout Period page allows you to change your default period or add additional periods.

Editing a Payout Period

To edit a payout period, select the pencil icon from the actions column. There are many customizable fields:

  • Description - The description of this payout period.
  • Payout Configuration - How the payout period is defined. There are many ways to define a payout period:
    • Once a month - You need to enter the day of the month that is the beginning of the new period. For example, 3: the payout period will be from the 3rd until the 2nd of each month. Possible values are 1-28.
    • Multiple times a month - You need to enter a comma separated list of month days in numerical order from lowest to highest that are the beginning days of each period. For example, 1,16: The payout periods will be 1-15 and 16-end of each month. Possible values are 1-28.
    • Weekly - You need to enter w#, where # is the day of the week that is the beginning of the period. For example, w1: the payout period will be Monday-Sunday. Possible values are 0-6 (Sunday-Saturday).
    • Every # days - You need to enter d#. For example, d5: the payout period will be every 5 days. Possible values are 1-99. This is calculated by starting on 1/1/2004 and going in increments of X days.
  • Delay (periods) - the number of periods to delay payout calculation for (between 0 and 10).
  • Enabled - enable this payout period for all affiliates.
  • Default - If you would like this period to be the default period.

Adding Affiliates to Payout Periods

If you have multiple periods configured, select the List and Modify Enabled Affiliates icon for a disabled payout period to enable it for only certain affiliates. You can also assign affiliates to a different period from the Affiliates Admin. All affiliate specific pages will use affiliate specific period (if set). All admin reports will use the global default period.