Replacement Variables

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Landing Page URL Replacement Tokens

When tracking with Offerit, surfers will go through our tracking links:<ocode>/

After doing our tracking process, we will send the surfer to the landing page URL defined in the admin for the offer and landingpage we see in the "ocode":

Offerit Allows you to add replacement tokens to your Offer/Landing Page URL to pass some data along to the landing page. The most common example is to pass our "click_hash" to your landing page so you can use it for reporting transactions and events via postback instead of using iframe/image pixels. Example landing page URL modification to pass this data:

In the example above our "click_hash" data will be passed to the landing page in a paramter called "click_hash". Please note that you can name the URL parameter anything you'd like to meet your system's needs. For examplem if your system expects this information to be sent in "clickid", you can instead make your landing page URL:

Below is the full list of available Replacement Tokens that can be used with your Landing Page URLs:

  • %%click_hash%% - The Click hash generated by Offerit when a surfer clicks our tracking links
  • %%click_hash_nodot%% - The Click hash generated by Offerit when a surfer clicks our tracking links with all dots/periods (".") removed
  • %%offer_id%% - The Offer ID
  • %%aff_id%% - The Affiliate ID
  • %%aff_username%% - The Affiliate Username
  • %%aff_campaign%% - The Affiliate Campaign ID
  • %%aff_subid%% - The Affiliate Campaign Name
  • %%country_code%% - The 2-letter ISO Country code for the surfer
  • %%ip%% - The surfer's IP address in IPv4 format
  • %%ip_long%% - The surfer's IP address converted from IPv4 to a long integer using PHP's "ip2long" function
  • %%aff_phone%% (phone offers only) - The Phone Number for the affiliate phone offer

Affiliate Custom Pixel Replacement Variables

Standard Replacement Variables

Affiliates have the option to add custom pixels or postbacks to inform their systems of sales when they are reported to Offerit. To set these up, use the "My Account" tab in the top navigation while logged in or overridden as them, then click the "Custom Offer Pixels" sub section in the left side navigation:


The following is a list of possible replacement variables that can be used to send information from Offerit to your Affiliate's custom pixel or postback URL.

  • %%aff_id%% - Your affiliate ID.
  • %%offer_id%% - The ID of the offer.
  • %%aff_campaign%% - The campaign used.
  • %%ref_url%% - The Referring URL for the event being reported
  • %%transaction_hash%% - The transaction ID of the conversion.
  • %%commission%% - The commission related to the conversion.
  • %%decimal_commission%% - The commission related to the conversion in decimal format.
  • %%aff_approved%% - Your auto-pending status.
  • %%orderid%% - The transaction identifier from the advertiser.
  • %%cust_custom1%%- Customer Custom1 Field
  • %%cust_custom2%%- Customer Custom2 Field
  • %%cust_custom3%%- Customer Custom3 Field
  • %%cust_custom4%%- Customer Custom4 Field
  • %%cust_custom5%%- Customer Custom5 Field
  • %%cust_username%% - Customer Username
  • %%cust_email%% - Customer Email
  • %%cust_name%% - Customer First and Last Name
  • %%cust_ip%% - The customer record's IP address in IPv4 format
  • %%cust_ip_long%% - The customer record's IP address converted from IPv4 to a long integer using PHP's "ip2long" function
  • %%subaff%% - Subaff Field
  • %%subaff2%% - Subaff2 Field
  • %%subaff3%% - Subaff3 Field
  • %%subaff4%% - Subaff4 Field
  • %%subaff5%% - Subaff5 Field
  • %%device_type_name%% - Device type name
  • %%device_brand_name%% - Device brand name
  • %%device_browser_name%% - Device browser name
  • %%device_carrier_name%% - Device carrier name
  • %%device_model_name%% - Device model name
  • %%device_os_name%% - Device OS name
  • %%device_os_version_name%% - Device OS version

Network Revenue Replacements

If you need to send your affiliates the amount your network made on an event in addition to the amount they are being paid, we have a configuration that can be enabled to make this data available for their use. In the Configuration Admin, click the "Affiliates" section in the left side navigation. On this page, scroll down to the "Postbacks" sub section and find "Include Network Revenue on Affiliate Postbacks". This will allow your affiliates to use either of the following replacement variables in their custom pixels/postbacks:

  • %%network_revenue%% - The transaction amount for the event.
  • %%decimal_network_revenue%% - The transaction amount for the event in decimal format.

Custom Replacement Variables

Offerit allows affiliates to pass custom parameters through their tracking links to your landing pages. For convenience, we make the data passed through available to them for their Custom Pixels and Postbacks as described here: