Payvia Dump Formats
This is where you can view/edit the Smarty dump formats used to generate your stored payments.
Every Pay Via type will have a dump format associated with it. The dump format is actually just a structured Smarty template that contains a number of Smarty variables. When you go to view a payment dump in the Payments Admin, Offerit will replace the variables with your affiliate's information.
The variables that you can use in a particular dump format vary depending on the pay via you are using it with.
You can click Hide Un-Used Dump Formats to only show the dump formats currently being used by your pay via types. To view your dump formats, go to Payments Admin and click the "Dump Formats" tab to view the current available dump formats.
You can create a dump format by typing in the name under "New Dump Format".
Dump formats have the following sections:
- Name: the name of the dump format.
- Dump Header: What fields are displayed at the top/beginning of a dump.
- Entry Header: This is displayed before the affiliate's payment.
- Entry: This is the affiliate's payment data.
- Entry Footer: This is displayed after the affiliate's payment.
- Dump Footer: This is displayed at the very end of the dump.
All the fields that you created in the PayVia form are available here, but with different names. Starting with the name you gave the field, the name is:
- prefixed with "$affiliate.payvia."
- all spaces are changed to underscores
For example, the "User ID" field becomes {$affiliate.payvia.User_ID}.
The easiest way to create your own dump format is to duplicate a similar format and then make the necessary changes. Offerit currently ships with more than 20 formats, so finding a similar format should be easy.
See Also
- Payment Dump Entry Numbers -- Adding entry numbers to your payment dumps