Offerit API Get Allowed Affiliates
From Offerit
Revision as of 14:12, 20 September 2013 by OfferitDave (talk | contribs)
This function allows you to get the list of enabled, disabled and unassigned affiliates for a landing page. You can also pass in an offer ID to see the same information for all the landing pages from an Offer.
- offerid - The offer ID or a comma separated list of Offer IDs. Offerit will display all the landing pages for the offer and display the allowed affiliates.
- landing_pageid - The landing page ID or comma separated list of landing page IDs to display the allowed affiliates for.
Output Fields
- message Either 'SUCCESS' for a successful call or 'ERROR:' with an error message about the call. The following error messages are available:
- ERROR: Landing page ID and/or Offer ID were invalid.
- ERROR: Landing page ID and/or Offer ID do not exist.
- return An array of data containing the following information
- landing_pageid The landing page ID
- private Either public or private describing the offer availability for unassigned affiliates.
- enabled_affiliates List of affiliates with their loginid and username that are enabled to use this offer.
- disabled_affiliates List of affiliates with their loginid and username that are disabled to use this offer.
- unassigned_affiliates List of affiliates with their loginid and username that are unassigned to use this offer.
NuSOAP Example
This example continues from the main article NuSOAP Example:
$function = 'api_get_allowed_affiliates'; $values = Array( 'landing_pageid' => '350,351', ); $result = $client->call($function, $values, 'offeritapiadmin_wsdl');
Sample Output
Array ( [message] => SUCCESS [return] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [landing_pageid] => 350 [private] => public [enabled_affiliates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [loginid] => 1 [username] => stagingadmin ) ) [disabled_affiliates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [loginid] => 70 [username] => daveadmin ) ) [unassigned_affiliates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [loginid] => 4 [username] => offeritconk2 ) [1] => Array ( [loginid] => 5 [username] => identtest ) [2] => Array ( [loginid] => 7 [username] => identid3 ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [landing_pageid] => 351 [private] => private [enabled_affiliates] => Array () [disabled_affiliates] => Array () [unassigned_affiliates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [loginid] => 1 [username] => stagingadmin ) [1] => Array ( [loginid] => 4 [username] => offeritconk2 ) [2] => Array ( [loginid] => 5 [username] => identtest ) ) ) ) )