Revision as of 12:50, 15 August 2012
The Surfer Actions Report displays any actions tracked by Offerit that a surfer has undertaken, as well as any relevant information regarding that action. This information includes where the action or error took place, as well as what action was taken (transactions, errors, etc.) and the details of that action.
This report can be used to view the actions that a surfer has taken on your offer, as well as checking for errors that occurred during their surfing process and why/where that error occurred.
To view the Surfer Actions Report, go to the Reporting Admin and select the "Surfer Actions" tab from the menu.
On the Surfer Actions page, you will find a search box and a Surfer Actions table. The search box allows you to narrow down your results by using various parameters, including parameters from Date Range, Offer, Tracking, and Affiliate.
The information provided in the "Surfer Actions" table is as follows:
- Session - Displays a PHP-generated session ID for the action that took place
- Offer - Which offer the surfer action occurred on
- Time - The time and date that the surfer action was taken
The Session IDs in this report table appear as hyperlinks. Clicking on a session ID will bring up the customer who took the action in the customers admin. This allows you to view further information regarding the customer.