Affiliate SubIDs

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Traffic Tags are a feature in Offerit that allows affiliates to group and organize incoming traffic statistics, allowing for more specific tracking of promotions and programs. These traffic tags, made up by individual traffic tags as of Offerit, create unique linkcodes, which allow you to separate and categorize statistics generated by surfers referred through that linkcode only.

You can use traffic tags to split up your affiliate traffic tags into separate keywords, which allows for much more flexibility in managing and tracking affiliate promotions than before.

This makes it possible to analyze web traffic that comes from different sources by uniquely tagging certain links and content. Affiliates can also use traffic tags to prevent their traffic tag statistics from getting cluttered and hard to analyze.

Creating Traffic Tags

Before you can sort your affiliate statistics, you must first create the appropriate traffic tags. This can be done through the Linkcodes page, under the "Creatives" pop-down menu at the top of the page. Just mouse over "Creatives" and click the "Linkcodes" link.

You can also create a new traffic tag to categorize your referral statistics with on the affiliate "Traffic Tags" page, which can also be found in the "Creatives" pop-down menu, found in the toolbar at the top of the page.

In the "Traffic Tags" table on the next page, you will see a section marked "Create New Traffic Tag," where you can create new traffic tags, or add existing traffic tags in order to create a new affiliate traffic tag.

Creating a New Traffic Tag

Enter a desired traffic tag for your new traffic tag in the "Traffic Tag" field and click the plus (+) sign to the right. You can add as many traffic tags as you want to your new traffic tag here.

For example, you can create a traffic tag for image banner promotions with the banner, top, and blog to mark that your referrals are coming from an image banner located at the top of a blog you are using to promote your sites. Later, you can sort through your referrals to see how successful your banner promotions were, how successful your top promotions were, and how successful your blog promotions were.

Click "Apply Changes" once you have added your desired traffic tags, and your new traffic tag will be saved.

You can also do this through the Affiliate Linkcodes page, or any of the Affiliate Creatives pages. This involves the same process as creating traffic tags on the "Traffic Tags" page. For more information this process, please see our Affiliate Linkcode Settings wiki article.

Changing Your Affiliate Linkcode Settings

Modifying Traffic Tags

Offerit also provides the ability to mix and match sets of multiple traffic tags for your traffic tag(s). This allows referred member traffic to be categorized in multiple ways, allowing for flexibility in recording and reporting statistics. For example, you can take a preexisting traffic tag and add a new traffic tag in order to slightly modify it and create a new statistics report for that traffic tag.

To do so, simply add the traffic tags you want to create for your new traffic tag. You can manually add additional traffic tags by typing in your desired traffic tag name in the "Traffic Tag" field, and clicking the corresponding plus (+) sign next to it. Partially filling in the name of an existing traffic tag in this field will bring up a pop-down menu of all traffic tags that begin with the characters you input into the "Traffic Tag" field. For example, typing the letter "t" into the "Traffic Tag" field will bring up your traffic tags that begin with that letter.

Existing Traffic Tag Names

You can also add traffic tags from an already existing traffic tag by using the "Add Existing Traffic Tag" link, found below the "Traffic Tag" field on this page. Click the provided link to bring up an "Existing Traffic Tags" drop-down menu, where you can select any traffic tag you have already created. Choose the traffic tag you wish to add from the drop-down menu, and click "Add Traffic Tag." You can add as many different traffic tags as you with to a traffic tag.

Adding an Existing Traffic Tag

Removing tags from the traffic tag you are creating is a simple operation. To remove individual traffic tags, simply click the minus (-) sign next to the traffic tag you wish to remove from your list. You can also remove all of your set traffic tags with the "Clear All Traffic Tags" link below the "Traffic Tag" field.

You can add as many different tags as you wish to a Traffic Tag in Offerit. Once you have added all of your desired traffic tags to your new traffic tag, add a brief description for your new traffic tag with the "Description" field below the "Traffic Tag" field. Once you have defined all of the available fields in this section, click "Save New Traffic Tag" to create your new traffic tag.

Managing Your Traffic Tags

You can also manage all your currently existing traffic tags on the Offerit “Traffic Tags” page -- simply hover your mouse cursor over "My Accounts" in the top toolbar, and click "Traffic Tags."

Managing Your Traffic Tags in Offerit

The “Traffic Tags” table on this page contains essential information for your traffic tag and traffic tags, and also lets you perform various actions on them with the provided “Actions” links. The actions you can take on this page include:

  • Edit - Change the description (notes) of any traffic tag listed on this page.
  • Hide - Remove all stats generated under that traffic tag from your statistics reports. This allows you to analyze how much of an impact that traffic tag is making on your overall statistics.
  • Stats - View a statistics report for referrals generated under a specific traffic tag. This lets you view and analyze that traffic tag's performance separately from the rest of your affiliate statistics.

In this table, you will find the name, user-created notes/descriptions, and the creation date of each traffic tag in your Offerit install. You can search for specific Traffic Tags by using the search boxes at the top -- this feature allows you to search by either the name or description of a traffic tag. Simply fill in the parameters you want to search your traffic tags with, and click “Apply Search” to narrow down your displayed traffic tags.